The Ranger Desk

The Ranger Desk

Begin your outdoor journey at The Ranger Desk: a resource for parks and all things wild. 

Recent Essays

There are countless Native American cultural sites for visitors to explore in the Pacific Northwest. Here are some of the best.

Discover national parks that celebrate American Latino heritage, a community whose stories and culture are woven into the fabric of America.

"What is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?" The line is not a call to action, but a call to inaction. A call to be free.

Play: it's not just for kids--it's for adults, too. Research shows that play combats depression. Discover ways to add play to your life.

When nature calls: National parks are being overwhelmed with human waste. Here are the reasons why and how not to be a part of the problem.

"You can't climb on her!" a child called out. The forest giants of Bernheim Forest are so realistic they entrance the child in all of us.

Five reasons to be hopeful about climate change--the global outlook for climate action is no longer doom and gloom and here's why.

How to talk to climate change deniers about climate change, including reasons to hope and when to give up and move on.

Asian American and Pacific Islander heritage is celebrated in America's national parks. Here are three such parks, and links to many more.

Featured Essay

Ranger Stephanie (who started this site) recently discovered the missing piece to her park ranger origins. Find out what that is in this month’s featured essay. 

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Woman in front of fall trees

Stephanie McCullough

A former US national park ranger with a master’s degree in environmental education, I created The Ranger Desk to share my passion for national parks and the natural world.