The Ranger Desk

The Ranger Desk

Begin your outdoor journey at The Ranger Desk: a resource for parks and all things wild. 

Recent Essays

Where to stop on the Blue Ridge Parkway: North Carolina, featuring ten must-see spots along the parkway's southern half.

I am often asked how I became a park ranger at US national parks. Here's how the greatest adventure of my life began.

Our fears have much to teach us. Instead of pushing them away, learn how to embrace your fear of hiking alone.

All-terrain wheelchairs have arrived in many parks in the US and beyond. But are hiking wheelchairs coming to a park near you?

As a former ranger, I'm often asked how to become a national park ranger. These are my tips for prospective park rangers.

Some people speed along trails; I meander. If I went any faster, I would miss out on so much. Here is why I love hiking slowly.

Time in nature is my favorite way to practice mindfulness. Learn to be fully present with these five ways to be mindful in nature.

A few years ago in a grad class, a fellow student made a statement that floored me: “LGBTQ people can’t work in national parks."

Read a former Zion park ranger's answer to the question of what to do in Zion. Here are five ranger tips for Zion National Park.

Featured Essay

Ranger Stephanie (who started this site) recently discovered the missing piece to her park ranger origins. Find out what that is in this month’s featured essay. 

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Woman in front of fall trees

Stephanie McCullough

A former US national park ranger with a master’s degree in environmental education, I created The Ranger Desk to share my passion for national parks and the natural world.