The Ranger Desk

Wild Living

Live your one wild and precious life: get outside, explore the natural world, be true to yourself, learn new things.

This land tells a story: Booker T. Washington National Monument. Stand in the spot where a family of slaves learned that they were free.

Discover where to stop on the Blue Ridge Parkway in Virginia. Ten scenic stops and hikes along the parkway's northern section.

Why I became a Wilderness First Responder: how a scary accident taught me that doing your best is always enough.

Learn the twelve must-haves for your wilderness first aid kit, including items not found in a traditional first aid kit.

My white privilege helped me become a park ranger. I feel safe in nature and in national parks when so many others don't.

Where to stop on the Blue Ridge Parkway: North Carolina, featuring ten must-see spots along the parkway's southern half.

Our fears have much to teach us. Instead of pushing them away, learn how to embrace your fear of hiking alone.

All-terrain wheelchairs have arrived in many parks in the US and beyond. But are hiking wheelchairs coming to a park near you?

Some people speed along trails; I meander. If I went any faster, I would miss out on so much. Here is why I love hiking slowly.

Time in nature is my favorite way to practice mindfulness. Learn to be fully present with these five ways to be mindful in nature.

A few years ago in a grad class, a fellow student made a statement that floored me: “LGBTQ people can’t work in national parks."

Research shows that children benefit in countless ways from exploring the natural world. But how do you get kids to love nature?